Skydiving Merch

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What to Wear for Your First (Tandem) Skydive

Your first tandem skydive is exciting! You’re about to jump from a plane at 14,000 feet and have the experience of a lifetime. To ensure your skydiving video and pictures are the highest quality, you’ll want to wear colors that pop against the sky. You will also want to wear clothes that are as safe and comfortable as possible.

What to Wear for Your First Tandem Skydive: Questions to Ask the Drop Zone

 When you schedule a skydive with your preferred drop zone, ask the following questions:

  1. Will you be wearing a jumpsuit or your own clothing?

    Some drop zones give tandems jumpsuits to wear. If this is the case with your tandem skydive, the jumpsuit will go over your clothes, and you’ll be set!

  2. What’s the temperature at 14,000 feet?

    Whatever the temperature is outside, assume it is approximately 30 degrees cooler when you’re at 14,000 feet-high in the air. Long-sleeves and gloves may be more comfortable than short-sleeves and light pants.

  3. Is there anything you should not wear?

    Hopefully, they advise you to not wear extra jewelry (think dangly or hoop earrings), dresses, and non-athletic wear. You’ll need to be able to bend your knees and lift your legs, because you are going skydiving!

What to Wear for Your First Tandem Skydive: FAQs

Can I wear a skydiving-themed T-shirt while skydiving?

Yes! The staff at the drop zone will be entertained by this as well. Many websites sell skydiving T-shirts, including our own. (Be sure you order the shirts with enough time for them to arrive.)

What are the best colors to wear while skydiving?

Go bold. The sky is a beautiful backdrop, and bright, bold colors will make you pop. Skydiving Merch sells a variety of skydiving-themed shirts in bright colors, so just select your favorite and plan for that shirt to make you stand out.

How do I wear my hair while skydiving?

For long hair, buns and braids are best. We advise you make the hair ties tighter than usual. You’ll fall approximately 120 mph, and that speed will pull clips and loose-fitting hair ties out of your hair during freefall.

Can I wear jeans while skydiving?

As long as you don’t mind potential grass stains (you land on grass), and as long as you can bend and move in your jeans, then yes.

Can I wear flip flops for my skydive?

Closed-toe shoes are best. Wear sneakers. Trust us.

If it’s cold, how many layers can I wear while skydiving?

A T-shirt with a long-sleeve shirt (or a hoodie) over it should be good. You cannot skydive in jackets or coats. If it’s really cold, consider layering thermals under your long-sleeve shirt.

Can I wear my glasses or contacts while skydiving?

Yes to both. The drop zone will provide you goggles that accommodate both glasses or contacts. Please bring an extra pair of contacts (or backup pair of glasses, if you have them) just in case you lose either during freefall.

Do tandem skydivers wear helmets?

Typically, no.

I’ve seen pictures of women skydiving in bikinis. Can I wear something like this?

Yes! You can wear almost whatever you’d like for your skydive. However, if you’re wanting to wear a bikini or something similar, it’s best to check with the drop zone you scheduled your tandem skydive with just to be sure they don’t have any specific requirements.

Can I wear anything to make my video better?

A lot of tandems will draw words on their arms, and you’re welcome to do that too! Also, don’t forget to SMILE. If your mouth isn’t smiling in the wind, it’s flapping in the wind.

Your tandem skydive clothing will be a big part of your skydive. Sport jumpers (people who skydive for sport) typically have a few clothing options with them to change throughout the day.

The best tandem skydive advice we can give you is:

  1. Wear a good pair of sneakers you don’t mind getting dirty (especially if it’s rained recently);

  2. Bring back-up contacts/glasses;

  3. If your hair tangles easily, you may want to braid it or leave a hairbrush in your vehicle for after your skydive is finished;

  4. Dress weather-appropriate; and

  5. Smile and have fun!


Blue skies!